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Doctor spares
Average rating:  
 4 reviews
 by William
Saved £800

Our Sanipro XR was failing to cut out, went on YouTube and found this to be a common problem when the membrane gets old. Went on line and spent less than £30 on a membrane including delivery, it arrived in 3 days. Most plumbers wont touch them for repairs, ( fortunately because we have another conventional toilet, which we use for the unmentionable ) It was a simple job and was completed in a day by me who is a retired engineer not a plumber. So thank you Doctor Spares.

Great job! This is what we like to hear, spend a little to save a lot! Thank-You for your helpful review 🙂

 by David

Highly efficient and friendly web site with all required spares information.
Placed order and 24 hours later spare item arrived by Royal Mail recorded delivery. Original part for saniflow xe which fitted easily and is performing perfectly.
Excellent experience from start to finish and the price of the part less than £30 including postage at around £3.50.
Saniflow unit about 12 years old and this float diaphragm is the first repair.
Highly recommend Doctor Spares for original quality parts,at a good price.

Thank-You for your review David, we were happy to help.

 by Steve Daly
Oven element

Good price quick delivery fitted perfectly JD (job done)

To Steve, thanks for your kind review, glad you easily fixed your appliance with a new element, saves buying a new appliance.

 by Sean Parker

Very happy with the service from the excellent website, easily found what I needed, to the superfast delivery. I ordered on Dec 28 after 3pm and received the element arrived 29th Dec.
Clear description meant choosing the right part was easy.
You get what you pay for. If you want quality buy from these want to cut corners use someone your peril

Thanks so much for your very kind review, happy to help you get the part you needed easily & quickly.

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